Saturday, September 12, 2009


On flickr!

They have this thing called "Explore" or "Interestingness" where Flickr chooses 500 of the most interesting pictures from each day (keep in mind - about 5,000 pictures are uploaded every minute)

And I've had 7 pictures in there. I ended up deleting one, so now only 6 are in there. One of them (the first that made it in) got up to number 7 out of 500. :)

My latest (uploaded around midnight last night) that made it to explore (to the left) is in the 300's, but could still be moved up, down or out.

That is all!



Tuesday, August 11, 2009


This isn't going to be a great realization
It's actually a small one
A small and stupid one, actually.
Ready for it?
Are you sure you can handle it?
I really don't know if you can...
well, we shall see I suppose.

I just realized that I spelled catastrophic wrong in the url.

Such an exciting post. You feel like you could have had a heart attack, don't you? I'm absolutely positive I didn't waste your time in the least. Except for the whole heart attack thing. That was a waste, I'm sure.

Well, maybe it wasn't too much, because sometimes we have to sacrifice small things for great... such as my stupidity.

Now, go back to your mindless youtube videos, but make sure you check back real soon. Maybe I'll have something worth your while.

Much love,

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Starting Over...

Seeing as it's been nearly 10 months since my last post, I'm starting over.


I'm going to post pictures along with as many daily happenings as I can.. I'm not going to promise I'll post everyday, cause we know that would never happen. But I'm going to try as hard as I can to post as often as I can..

Seeing as I have time to edit so many pictures each day, I should get back to writing.
It used to be a passion of mine, just like dance and photography are to me now, and I'd love nothing more than to get back into it.

So here we go.

Wish me luck?
Thank you ever so much.